Our Newsletters

This page contains a list of the contents of all past newsletters issued by ShareSoc. Our Newsletters contain a mixture of topical news items and longer, more in-depth, analyses and reports.

A sample of one of our past newsletters is present in this pdf file (this is the “Full” version of the newsletter as distributed via email to Full Members monthly – Associate Members receive a shorter “Summary” version): Newsletter Sample.  ShareSoc Full Members can obtain copies of all the newsletters summarised on this page, by clicking on each Newsletter and a downloadable copy of the complete newsletter can then be found on the right hand side.

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ShareSoc Informer – Issue 116

In this issue: Editorial, Bigger Is the Enemy of Better Investing, Improve Access for Retail Shareholders, Shareholder Rights Campaign Featured in This is Money, SUPERMAN and ShareSoc, More ShareSoc press coverage in Mail newspapers, DDDD – 4D Pharma placing, Campaigns, Woodford Webinar questions answered, SIGnet, Regulation, FCA, UK Listing Review – What's It All About?, FRC: Draft Plan, Strategy and Budget 2021/ 2022., Restoring Lost Trust, FRC consultation Audit Quality issues, Patisserie Valerie: The SFO Needs You!, New Pre-Pack Rules, Platform Transfers: ...

ShareSoc Informer – Issue 115

Editorial, ShareSoc Seeks "Head of Volunteering", How to Eat a Crypto Elephant, 11 investment trusts for a £10,000 annual income in 2021, Help! I believe in passive but buy active funds, Events Programme, Policy, Campaigns and Consultations: Current Focus, Woodford Claim - Leigh Day reaches key milestones, Wellesley Investors Action Group, Takeover Panel: Disclosure Requirements 13 FCA: 0.1% shorting notification mirrors EU, FCA Consultation: Guidance for Insolvency Practitioners, HM Treasury Call for Evidence Review of UK Listing Rules, Website, Forums, Resources: ...

ShareSoc Informer – Issue 114

Editorial, ShareSoc Launches Woodford Campaign, Seminar on Woodford Legal Case, Leigh Day taking action on behalf of Woodford investors, ShareSoc Sirius Shareholders' Group (SSSG), Law Commission - Scoping Paper re Review of Intermediated Securities, Continued strong fundraising activity on AIM, Platforms Letting Investors Down, Impax, IG Design, Leaders and Laggards, Invinity Open Offer, Ideagen, AJ Bell Results, Volex Webinar, Investment Trusts Discount: A reply, Strategic Equity Capital update, Strategic Equity Capital: 1 in 5 Vote Against AGM Resolution, Chrysalis VCT Wind-Up, ...

ShareSoc Informer – Issue 113

Editorial, Market Musings, SVS Special Administration, Learning from Sirius Minerals, Liverpool SIGnet Group Meeting, Avingtrans: Preliminary Results, Share Centre: The Future, FT Spoofing Article, The risks of holding leveraged ETFs for more than one day, Investment Trusts: The advantages, Leaders and Laggards, Delistings: Take the Money and Run, Modernisation of Stamp Duty, Pre-Emption Group: Easing issuance guidelines, The Donald & Dave Trading Podcast, Deloitte: Record Fine, But It's Not Enough, Regulating Consumer Investments, Company Register Reform, FRC report - AGMs: an ...

ShareSoc Informer – Issue 112

MMT: what is modern monetary theory and will it work?, Should Investors Boycott Chinese Stocks?, Funds vs Investment Trusts, S&P 500, Gulf Marine Services: Lessons From a Failed Investment, Victoria Annual Report, Downing Annual Report, Rio Tinto: An Apology, Capital Gains Tax Reform 18 Shenanigans in Siberia: The Petropavlovsk Saga, Blancco Campaign: Update #4, Sirius Minerals Update #11, Policy and Campaigns: An Update, Remuneration for AIM and Small Cap Companies, ShareSoc in the Press, Book review: Success in the Stock Market, ...
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