Our Newsletters

This page contains a list of the contents of all past newsletters issued by ShareSoc. Our Newsletters contain a mixture of topical news items and longer, more in-depth, analyses and reports.

A sample of one of our past newsletters is present in this pdf file (this is the “Full” version of the newsletter as distributed via email to Full Members monthly – Associate Members receive a shorter “Summary” version): Newsletter Sample.  ShareSoc Full Members can obtain copies of all the newsletters summarised on this page, by clicking on each Newsletter and a downloadable copy of the complete newsletter can then be found on the right hand side.

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Summer 2020

Editorial, ShareSoc Activities, Enhancing Our Webinars, Redcentric: Progress for Shareholders, Albion Venture Capital VCT AGM Recommendations, Laggard - Biffa: A Token Retail Offering, Laggard - Forterra: Show of Hands without attendance at AGM, Take Note of Shorters, ESG-Themed Funds: Can They Be Ignored After Covid-19?, Ten Entertainment AGM, AGM Reports and Material from Recent ShareSoc Webinars, Webinar Calendar

June 2020

Editorial, Upgraded Website, Dividends Slashed, Market Trends, Ocado Placing: What about Shareholder Rights?, Segro Placing, Laggards? AJ Bell, Numis, Invesco and the FCA, Babcock: Dividend related Price Fall, Eurasia Erasure, Land Securities - Property Shares Spooked, Pets at Home - Accounts Attacked, TR Property, Burford - Slave to the Algorithm, Sirius Claim Group - Sirius Update 10, A Liquidity Fairy-tale, Fund Charges, Designated Accounts, The Ideal Board - Thoughts from First Flight, Scottish Mortgage Investment Policy, Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill, ...

May 2020

Editorial, Stock Market Trends, Dividends Slashed, ShareSoc Company Events, Capital Raises - Exclusion of Retail, Individual Investors and New Issues , Importance of the Individual, Dividends-Letter to FRC,FCA and BEIS , Shell: Leading the Way for AGMs, Direct Line: How Not to Do AGMs, RBS AGM Fail, AGMs under COVID-19, AGMs Evolving Best Practice, Nominees and Voting, Taking Cash From ISAs, Supermarket Supply Chains, Lookers Defective Accounting, NMC Health and Finablr, Remuneration and COVID-19, Remuneration - Lead by Example, Exemplary Remuneration, ...

April 2020

Editorial, Stan Grierson Memorial Site, COVID-19 implications, AIM Regulation - Covid-19, Emergency Measures, Closing the Stock Market, Abcam - Impact from Coronavirus, Equals Trading, Finablr Suspension, Bango, Ocado, Recent Annual Reports, AGMs and the impact of COVID-19, Sirius Minerals, Shareholder Rights - Response from Kelly Tolhurst, BEIS Minister, VCT Investors' Group Action Plan, Baronsmead VCT, Trust Discounts, Debt and Liquidity Management, ShareSoc Website Upgrade, Fund Raises-Including retail shareholders, COVID-19 FRC, FCA and PRA Joint Statement ShareSoc In the Press, FRC Guidance ...

March 2020

Editorial, Sirius Minerals, Law Commission re nominees and Sirius problems, Brexit and Why Shareholder Votes Matter, Share Centre Takeover and Holding Unlisted Shares, Interactive Investor v The Share Centre - Your Views, Allenby Capital AIM - Market Update 11 NMC Debacle, Rio Tinto and Climate Change, Should I Buy Shares in Tesla?, Fantasy Share Dealing, Miton UK Smaller Companies Fund In Decline, Albion Venture Trust VCT - Successful Outcome for ShareSoc Campaign, Competition in the Audit Market, Prosecuting Fraudsters, ShareSoc Company ...
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