Law Commission Review of Intermediated Securities Consultation

I am writing to ask you to make a personal submission to The Law Commission Call for Evidence on the subject of dematerialisation, intermediated securities, shareholder rights and nominees/platforms. This is the most important issue that ShareSoc-UKSA campaigns on. Your response must be done by 5 November and submitted to

By email to

Commercial and Common Law Team,
Law Commission,
1st Floor, Tower,
52 Queen’s Anne Gate,
London, SW1H 9AG.

I attach a copy of the official ShareSoc-UKSA  response, which runs to 38 pages. A personal response of 2 pages or less is quite adequate. I suggest you merely respond to the most important questions 1,2,3 and question 21. But feel free to respond as you see fit in your own personal style.


Click here for to read the The Law Commission Call for Evidence

Cliff Weight, Director, ShareSoc

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