Leon Goes For The Hackney Half

No, this isn’t anything to do with a beer drinking contest or a wrestling move – it’s a half marathon round Hackney. Leon Boros, a former ShareSoc director and occasional contributor to the monthly newsletter, is running his first half marathon and has kindly decided to run it to raise funds for ShareSoc.
Leon, who has just turned 56, has not been running long and the 13 Miles he needs to cover in the Hackney Half Marathon on May 20th represents a big step up from his usual distance. So a big personal challenge for him.
ShareSoc is delighted he has chosen to raise funds for us and we intend to use them wisely to install a new member database and private member network as well as help further our educational ambitions. So, please go to Leon’s fundraising page and give generously – https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/leon-boros-sharesoc?utm_id=60&utm_term=BdRd6Egk5 and help him to help us.
We shall all be rooting for you Leon…

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