Letter to the Treasury Committee re FCA’s Woodford Enquiry

The Financial Conduct Authority gave scant detail on progress regarding Woodford, in a letter to the Treasury Committee dated 14th December 2022 (published 11th January 2023), responding to questions posed during the hearing and updates to the Committee on progress in certain areas.

ShareSoc considers the FCA letter to be insufficient. We have written to the Committee saying “we respectfully request that the Committee consider asking members of the FCA to appear before the Committee in person so that the progress of the enquiry can be properly scrutinised. This would go a long way to providing reassurance to the many former investors in the WEIF who are fearful that the report may never see the light of day.” 

The full text of our letter is below (click on the image to enlarge) 

This is a ShareSoc News item written by Cliff Weight, ShareSoc Woodford Campaign Director. 

  1. ted moon says:

    Really good letter. What is the point of the FCA if the results of any inquiry are kept secret?

  2. Bryan Cockings says:

    could someone explain to us what are FCA supposed to be designed to do ,and who are they hiding the findings from are they trying to cover up the total lack of professionalism in the whole financial body.

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