Lord Lee Podcasts – Episode 2


The second podcast for Lee and the IC  is now live -  “You can’t get selling right every time.” 

ShareSoc Patron Lord Lee has teamed up with the Investors Chronicle to produce a monthly podcast – “Lee and the IC”.  The first episode, in September, focused upon dividends – particularly M&G, Aviva, Legal & General etc., and also touched on a number of Small Caps including Concurrent Technologies and Goodwin.

As always, John Lee is a pleasure to listen to and he explains more about investing in this second episode (about 37 minutes). He starts by lamenting the low valuations in the London Stock Market, which he regards as a buying opportunity as he believes there is underlying value in many shares and in due course their true value will be discovered. Then he moves on to the problems in the Middle East and the market implications.

The main part of the podcast is about his investment in Treatt which he first bought in the 1990s and is currently his largest investment. This leads tidily onto a conversation on the art, and challenge, of selling, the downfalls he’s experienced and what he’s learned from his time as a DIY investor. Then there is an update on his M&G investment, which he covered in detail in episode one, his latest Aviva investment and his investment in a smaller quoted company, the Yorkshire-based construction sector company Vp plc.

We recommend the podcasts to readers. Links to the podcasts can be found by visiting the ShareSoc Investor Academy .

DISCLOSURE: Lord Lee holds shares in all the companies mentioned.

Nothing in this article or the broadcast should be construed as financial advice. Financial advice requires an analysis of your particular circumstances and the payment of a fee.

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