Press Release 129: Heather Benjamin to chair ShareSoc’s Board

ShareSoc, the premier UK membership organisation for individual investors, is delighted to announce the appointment of Heather Benjamin as Chair of its Board of Directors.

Heather Benjamin

Following an executive career with Centrica, ultimately as Chief Procurement Officer, Heather has held a range of Chair and Non-Executive Director roles across private, public and voluntary organisations.

She has been Chair of Air Ambulances UK and of Walsingham Support, which assists people with learning disabilities. She has worked for organisations with growth agendas across multiple sectors including financial services, water, the arts and the voluntary sector.

Heather’s financial services experience includes serving as Senior Independent Director in the Cheque and Credit Clearing Company Ltd, which developed and implemented the programme for digitising cheque handling, settlement and clearing.

She has also led member organisations and is very excited to network with individual investors to build an understanding of their priorities and needs. She is an Independent NED for BlueLight Commercial, collaborating with police and fire forces across England and Wales to transform their commercial and procurement functions, a NED with Supply Chain Co-ordination Ltd, supporting NHS Trusts, and Vice President of The Leaders Club which networks with senior leaders.

Heather said, “I am delighted to be joining this important organisation as Chair, and with my fellow directors leveraging our diverse experiences to reinforce ShareSoc’s position as the voice of individual investors. I look forward to building on the excellent work to date and developing new opportunities to engage with our many members as we continue developing our strategy – ensuring vital investor issues are given appropriate attention by the financial services regulators, government and industry.

Mike Dennis (ShareSoc director) added “We are delighted to welcome Heather as Chair. Her 15 years’ experience in leadership and governance will ensure we get the best out of the impressive range of knowledge and talent we have now assembled.

ShareSoc is a not-for-profit organisation, created by investors for investors. It aims to improve the investment experience of individuals and to represent their interests.

  1. Ali Haouas says:

    how about members getting any oppitunity to meet the chair as when there is a presentation

    • Mark Bentley says:

      Hi Ali

      There will be an opportunity to meet Heather and many other directors in person at our upcoming AGM, which we will hold in hybrid format this year.


  2. Gavin FL palmer says:

    Well Done. Welcome.
    I notice some other organisations abroad get retired ex city legal regulator types to bolster the legal robustness’s Australia in particular.
    The board never quite cracked that nut.
    Also the delegated company contact coordinators for PLC would greatly lighten the board load and enable easier instant implementation and campaigns.

    As such a loose tight and pr recovery system of practices and internal training would help such designated contact coordinators.
    Yes it will be a bit messy however over time we can have 2,000 plcs covered.
    Also a robustness when the society and members and directors are assaulted by PR, investor relations etc at the Chairmans demand in an effort to avoid public embarrassment.
    sNAC committees with the power to see documents would right many wrongs.
    . You are very welcome to contact me I have been a volunteer in corporate governance since 1991!
    Former Founder
    Former London and South East Chair
    former board Director
    Founder of the Croydon and Purley branch of UKSA.

    • Mark Bentley says:

      Thanks Gavin,

      Watch this space! We expect to announce the appointment of another director soon, who is well-qualified to fill the gap you identify.


    • Mark Bentley says:

      PS Gavin – we also have plans to address the “contact coordinator” roles you mention. We are working on upgrades to our IT systems that will support this in a scalable manner without creating excessive admin overheads.

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