Press Release – ShareSoc & Edison join forces

Edison and ShareSoc join forces to improve access to investment information

    Investor Relations expert Edison has joined forces with ShareSoc, the UK’s premier membership organisation for individual investors to improve access to listed company information via innovative delivery channels.

    ShareSoc has been a fervent campaigner for improved individual investor access to information and research on listed companies, to facilitate more informed investment decisions, to exercise shareholders’ rights and to promote stewardship at the individual shareholder level.

    Edison is a leading provider of Research and Investor Relations services to more than 400 listed businesses in 25+ countries. Its large team of Equity Analysts provides a wide range of publicly available information: from initiation and outlook notes to sector and thematic reports.

    The partnership with ShareSoc will improve the availability and usability of company and market information to help individual investors make better decisions. In particular, ShareSoc and Edison will collaborate on delivering educational and informational events in various formats and create better connections between individual shareholders and their investee companies.

    This exciting new initiative underlines the beliefs of both partners that:

    • Individual investors play a key role in making financial markets efficient;
    • Individual investors are a critical source of growth capital;
    • Companies should engage openly with individual investors and should treat all shareholders equally;
    • Effective governance and stewardship of public companies is an essential check and balance over company directors in their role as agents of the shareholders;
    • Financial markets should operate transparently and fairly; and
    • Appropriate regulation and enforcement are necessary to ensure this.

    Fraser Thorne, CEO of Edison commented:
    We have been collaborating with ShareSoc in the past couple of years as  we share many common interests and beliefs about the importance of individual investors to the efficient functioning of public markets. We are very happy to declare publicly our support for the great work that ShareSoc does and to make clear our intent to collaborate even more closely with them to provide quality information to individual investors.”

    Mike Dennis, Director of ShareSoc commented:
    We are delighted that Edison has chosen to recognise our work by becoming a ShareSoc Corporate Supporter. Edison shares our beliefs and is committed to working ever more closely with us to ensure that individual investors are treated fairly and transparently by financial markets and share issuers.”

    About Edison
    Edison is a content-led IR business operating in all major capital markets. With its unique approach integrating analyst content, digital targeting and investor engagement, Edison has a proven history of increasing liquidity and valuations for its clients. By building bigger, better informed and more engaged audiences, Edison helps its clients standout in the marketplace.

    About ShareSoc
    ShareSoc (The UK Individual Shareholders Society) is the leading not-for-profit organisation dedicated to representing and supporting UK private investors. Through advocacy, education, and community-building, ShareSoc works to enhance the rights and opportunities of all individual investors.

    The organisation campaigns for better corporate governance, provides resources to help investors make informed decisions, and offers a platform for connecting with like-minded investors. ShareSoc’s mission is to ensure that the voice of the individual investor is heard and respected in the UK’s financial markets.

    One comment
    1. Mr David Harris says:

      I would be interested in asking Edison (now de-listed) why they sold off their monthly dividend paying UK Propert REIT last year. Any investment which I am sure was widely used by members had a falling NAV and widening discount but had they of held on that situation may now be about to turn around – I wonder what made them jump early as the deal they sold out to did not seem to be exceptional. Perhaps you could ask this on members behalf and publish the answer as part of an initial “partner” interview?

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