Representing Individual Investors: proposed sustainability standards webinar on Thursday 30 June, 12:30 – 14:00

One of ShareSoc’s primary functions is to represent individual investors. we do this by lobbying Government and Regulators about individual investor needs, and by campaigning for change from government, regulators, financial service providers. Alongside this we network, inform and educate investors though events, company presentations, SIGnet groups, educational content, newsletter, blogs, tweets and emails. These elements combine to make the investing experience better for our members.

ShareSoc has been working hard for many years to improve its relationships, networking and influence with the FRC, BEIS, FCA and many other organisations. Much of this work we do jointly with UKSA, the UK Shareholders Association. The FRC now routinely seek the views of individual investors before making their decisions. Below is an example of an event we are being asked to contribute to.

The UK Endorsement Board (UKEB) is running a webinar on the ISSB’s first two exposure drafts (EDs) on proposed sustainability standards on Thursday 30 June, 12:30 – 14:00, which is open to all. To join, please register here.

This outreach event will help inform the UKEB’s response to the ISSB. The UKEB’s draft comment letter can be found here.

Jane Fuller, author of recent letter to the FT “Antidotes to pessimism in the UK’s audit reforms” co-signed by ShareSoc) will chair a panel discussion with users and preparers of accounts. The session will cover such topics as enterprise value, materiality and connectivity between sustainability and financial reporting. This will follow an explanation of the UK’s regulatory approach by experts from BEIS, the FCA and the FRC, chaired by Seema Jamil-O’Neill, Technical Director of the UKEB.

It’s important that users of accounts ensure that the UKEB’s response represents their views and aids the introduction of standards that investors have urgently called for. The draft EDs are designed to set a global baseline for climate-related reporting and for sustainability reporting more generally.

This is an illustration of the process whereby new international accounting standards are formulated and reviewed. It may seem a dry subject but, as the webinar will explain, these standards impact the content of annual reports that affect us, the users of those reports

Please spread the word about both the webinar and the UKEB’s consultation on its draft response.

This news item has been written by Cliff Weight, ShareSoc Director.

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