Currently, investor campaigns and grass-roots shareholder action groups are obstructed by the barricades that prevent them from communicating with other shareholders. Shareholder contact details increasingly rarely appear on share registers. The fact that the vast majority of individuals’ investments are held via Nominees, means that they become anonymous. They are a company’s beneficial shareholders but they are uncontactable, other than by their broker/platform behind a wall of GDPR rules.
ShareSoc has campaigned tirelessly over many years for much more use to be made of digital technology to ensure that listed companies can communicate efficiently with their owners (the shareholders), that those owners can communicate between themselves, and that all shareholders can exercise their right to vote and attend company meetings without hindrance or cost.
Sir Douglas Flint’s Digitisation Taskforce follows on from Mark Austin’s excellent Secondary Markets Review and represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to correct the disenfranchisement of individual shareholders and to facilitate and encourage responsible stewardship.
Archie Norman’s ‘Share Your Voice’ campaign, supported by M&S, represents a plea from UK plc to the government to modernise shareholder registers, communication, meetings and voting and to address legacy structural barriers, particularly those that relate to nominee shareholdings and the anonymity created by them.
ShareSoc recognised the M&S campaign as a potentially high-profile opportunity to underline the importance of these matters and to turbocharge our own campaign ahead of important potential legislative changes.
Although our alignment with the M&S aims is strong, it is not total. There are important differences of view which will be addressed through the consultation process. In particular, M&S wants the law changed to allow fully digital AGMs, while ShareSoc (and UKSA) strongly prefer companies to hold hybrid meetings, allowing physical attendance alongside potentially mass digital participation.
The devil is in the detail, and we will monitor progress and any proposals for legislative and process changes, to ensure that any digitisation outcome exists alongside, and not as a replacement for, hybrid and / or physical meetings. Whatever the format of an AGM, members must be allowed to ask live questions; those questions must also be answered live where practical, and follow-on questions must be allowed – as today. Any moderation must be completely transparent to participants and justifiably reasonable.
ShareSoc will continue to press all listed companies to hold hybrid AGMs in preference to digital only.
Archie Norman commands serious attention in the media, City and even government circles. The central thrust of the petition is to ensure that the real owners of companies are identifiable on share registers, with email addresses! This aligns fully with our shareholder rights campaign.
ShareSoc supports the M&S campaign and associated petition and encourages all to sign.
ShareSoc Board
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Group description: | The aim of this group is to share our investing ideas and experiences across all equity markets, brokers, websites and software to the benefit of us all. We do not discuss sums of money invested but may mention percentages gained and lost. We will rotate the chairperson who is responsible for creating, with member’s help, suitable agendas. We also rotate members to deliver a presentation, lasting between 15 and 45 minutes, on a topic of their choosing. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Meetings are held online via video conferencing. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, from 2-4pm. |
Group description: | A small group whose primary interests are equity and Investment Trusts. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Meetings are online using Skype. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are held fortnightly on Tuesday mornings. |
Group description: | We welcome anyone interested in investments regardless of their level of knowledge and experience. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Meetings are held in a function room of a pub in Beaconsfield New Town. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Monthly on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6pm. |
Group description: | Discussions cover a broad range of investing subjects which provide the fundamental building blocks of investment without any focus on a particular style. We choose not to discuss technical analysis.
Members of this group have been investing for a number of years and therefore have a reasonable level of experience, but we still seek to learn from each other. We limit membership to no more than 12 people to ensure that everyone is able to make a constructive contribution to the meeting. The cost for each meeting is shared between the members – lunch, drinks etc is normally no more than £35 per head. This is in addition the annual SIGnet membership fee. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | We have face to face meetings every two months at a pub close to Waterloo Station, London. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings run from 11am to 4pm, every two months on a Tuesday and include a lunch. |
Group description: | Investors of all levels of experience are welcome to join the Farnham (Surrey) group. Convened by David Stredder, who will be known to many as the founder of Mello, organiser of in person investment conferences and virtual Mello Mondays. David is also a director at ShareSoc and has been investing in quoted shares since the 1980s, with a focus on UK small caps. He has an extensive knowledge of UK companies and network of contacts in the investing universe. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Meetings are held at a pub near to the railway station in Farnham, GU9. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are held monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 11am to 3pm with a break for lunch. |
Group description: | Our Group considers both US Small Caps (up to $2bn Market Cap) and Mid Caps (up to $10bn market Cap). Meetings include discussions around buys / sells / watchlists, a short Macro discussion and discussions led by group members on companies or topics of their choice. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Meetings are held online. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month from 7pm. |
Group description: | The group has been successfully operating for over 24 years and currently has members with diverse investment styles. However there is sufficient in common to ensure an interesting mix of ideas and experience which provides a great sounding board for investing as well as the opportunity to enhance our investment skills.
Some members lean towards a buy and hold approach whilst others trade more frequently, some use technical analysis methods, others use fundamentals or a combination. Discussions cover companies predominantly listed on the London Stock Exchange, including small AIM stocks, but investments in other countries are sometimes included. Investment trusts, exchange traded funds, bonds and some other financial instruments are included. Economic issues as they relate to investing are discussed for those who adopt a top down approach. Additionally, experience of different investing software and information sources provides good insights into what members find works well for them. If an investment related subject is of interest to the majority of the group then it is included, such as government budget announcements, pensions and inheritance tax etc. Please note that this group is not for beginners. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Pre Covid we had face to face meetings once a month in a pub for a 3 hour session just a few miles to the west of Cambridge during an evening. Covid forced a change to video conferencing for meetings. These meetings remain monthly but are split into two shorter sessions, they normally take place on the first and second Thursday of each month. From 2023 at least two meetings during the year will be face to face.
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Monthly, usually on the first and second Thursday of each month from 7pm. Any face to face meetings will be during the daytime. |
Group description: | Our group is interested in sustainable investing and our goal is to identify and evaluate businesses that will thrive through innovation and their transition to a ‘One Planet Economy’. By leveraging the skills of group members, we aim to deeply understand these businesses, particularly focusing on how they develop long-term valuable benefits for their customers. Each year, we plan to evaluate around seven businesses to identify opportunities where our valuation exceeds the market price. A successful outcome is defined as achieving a compound annual growth rate (CAGR), including dividends, of 10% over a decade. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Meetings are in-person in a pub near to Waterloo station in London. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are bi-monthly on a Monday from 10:45am to 4:30pm. Members are expected to also pay for their own lunch which secures the group free use of a private room in the pub. The cost is expected to be £35-40 per person, per meeting, in addition to your SIGnet membership fee. |
Group description: | SIGnet Taunton is a new group with around 10 keen members at present, with a range of investment styles and experience. We welcome new members. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | In person meetings at a golf club near to the centre of Taunton. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | We meet on the first Monday of every month at a golf club near to the centre of Taunton, 11am until 3pm with a lunch break. |
Group description: | An online group for those who are new to investing, or have only been investing for a few years. Including topics such as: – What is a share or a bond, why and how to buy them. – Comparing funds, unit trusts, Investment trusts and exchange traded funds. – Portfolio management and diversification. – ISAs, pensions, SIPPS and how to save tax. – How terms such as PE ratio and dividend yield are used to value a share. – How to use technical analysis or charting. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Online using Zoom. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are usually held on the last Monday of the month at 7:00pm. |
Group description: | An online group for those who already have some experience in investing. Covering topics such as finding companies to invest in, financial statements and ratios, valuation / margin of safety, analysis of companies and investment trusts and exchange traded funds. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Online using Zoom. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are usually held on the last Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm. |
Group description: | The Equity Income Group welcomes investors of all levels of experience, from beginners to advanced. The focus of meetings is on dividend paying Investment Trusts, though there is also discussion around individual shares. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Meetings are held online. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are held every 6 weeks on a weekday between 7 and 8:30pm. |
Group description: | The Group welcomes investors of all levels of experience, from beginners to advanced. The focus of meetings is on all types of income generating financial instruments, from stocks through Trusts and Funds and ETFs to retail bonds. Meetings involve presentations from members, who are also expected to lead discussions from time to time, as well as discussions on what has been bought and sold since the last meeting. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Meetings are in-person in a venue in Central London. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are usually held on the last Thursday of every other month, starting with an informal lunch around 1pm followed by discussions until around 5pm. |
Group description: | A regular Signet Group looking to help members improve their investment techniques through group discussion of member’s experiences. We welcome investors with any level of experience. Group meetings generally start with:
Meeting Type/Venue: | In person at a friendly pub close to Piccadilly Circus. We also have the option for members to join the meetings remotely if they are unable to attend in person. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are held in the evening from 6pm to 9:30pm with a 30 minute break for supper, at monthly intervals. |
Group description: | Our focus is on UK listed, high dividend yield individual stocks, although high yield investment trusts/REITS which are of interest to members will also be covered. This group is suitable for members with existing fundamental investing experience (at least 2 years), with a keen interest in discussing in some detail the underlying business, financial performance and future prospects of individual income stock ideas. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Meetings are held online. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are held every 6 weeks from 4pm to 6pm on a Monday. |
Group description: | A welcoming group open to all types of investors. Typical meeting content is to have a deep dive presentation on a topic selected by the participants and a session on buy/ sell/ key lessons learnt last month. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | In person at a friendly pub close to Piccadilly Circus |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Monthly during the evening on the first Wednesday of the month. |
Group description: | The Enfield Signet Investment group welcomes all types of investors. Currently we are a small group, with a few seasoned investors and others that are looking to learn more about investing more generally.
Meeting content is determined by the group in advance of meetings and the agenda will typically include discussions on stock ideas and other investment themes. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | The meetings are in person at a pub in Enfield EN2. We start with a quick informal lunch followed by a discussion on investment themes, updates on prior investment recommendations and other items members have submitted for the agenda. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | We meet at 12:30pm on a week day during the first week of each month. Meetings are 2-3 hours depending on the number of items on the agenda. |
Group description: | This group is for investors rather than technical traders. Although we mostly invest on the basis of Fundamental Analysis, we believe that Technical Analysis can be used to help decide the timing of entering, adding, reducing and exiting investments.
Meetings include presentations by group members on specific topics, and on recent decisions made with the input of technical analysis. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Online via Zoom |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Monthly on the first Monday of the month.
Meetings start at 7 pm, and end between 8.30 and 9 pm. |
Group description: | Our group is a broad church that contains investors of varying experience. Our members’ backgrounds are diverse and include corporate banking, engineering, teaching and the leisure industry. We generally pick a discussion topic for every meeting, e.g. housebuilders or the defence industry, and members are invited to research and discuss different aspects or companies within that industry. We also discuss stocks and investment trusts that we have bought, sold or are interested in and the reasons behind our decisions, and try to make sense of the ever changing investment environment. Discussions are robust and challenging but we are a friendly and approachable group who welcome investors of all levels – we just ask that you contribute, at whatever level you can. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Our meetings are held in a private room at a nice pub near to South Ealing tube station (Piccadilly Line), not far from Ealing Broadway (District, Central and Elizabeth Line). |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | We meet every 2 months, usually on a Wednesday morning at 11am. |
Group description: | All levels of experience welcome. A typical meeting agenda includes: – Macro Environment – Trades: Members review existing positions and identify securities with promising TA entry patterns or setups and with suitable risk/reward. Any security, long, short, futures, options may be considered. The convener takes actual positions in trades and maintains his own detailed ledger, accurately measuring performance of individual securities and cumulative activity. Members are notified by e-mail prior to the entries or exits that are decided upon. Following each meeting an updated copy of the ledger is circulated together with the next meeting agenda. Members may wish to maintain similar ledgers of their own but there is no obligation to do so. – Technical Analysis: Techniques and systems used in trades. Members can request discussion of particular aspects of TA. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Online via Zoom |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | The first Tuesday of every month from 7 to 9pm |
Group description: | The West Sussex SIGnet Group is open to all investors irrespective of experience. Those with limited investment experience will be encouraged to participate in online training courses operated by SIGnet. The group will be principally focussed on individual stocks or investment trusts covering the UK and US markets and ranging in size from small caps to mega caps.
Meetings will typically include a number of presentations on specific stock ideas and on investing styles and themes. Meetings will also review the performance of our “portfolio” of up to ten stocks chosen by the members in a share picking competition competing against other SIGnet groups across the UK. Additionally, members will be encouraged to identify a share from their portfolios and talk about it for 3 minutes (short ideas welcome). |
Meeting Type/Venue: | We plan to meet physically every month during the day at various venues across West Sussex. During the summer months we may hold a number of evening meetings to encourage attendance from those unable to make meetings during the day. Additionally, we will hold online meetings from time to time. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings will be held on the second Monday of every month. Physical meetings will typically be from 11:30 to 15:30. Evening meetings and online meetings from 19:30 to 21:30. |
Group description: | Open to all investors / people with an interest in investing. Typical meeting will involve members talking about recent purchases, successes, failures and possible future purchases. Also with occasional visiting speakers or members making presentations on a topic of interest. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | We aim to meet on the last Tuesday of each month in a private room at a pub in Playhatch. Start time 7pm with members encouraged to meet up around 6pm for a bite to eat / drink before hand, if their diaries allow. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | 7pm on the last Tuesday of the month. Meetings likely to last about two hours but with informal ‘overspill’ before / after. |
Group description: | This group was set up as a forum to discuss companies in detail, each company is introduced by a member and discussion may last one or two hours. Membership is by invitation only and is for experienced investors. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | The group meets at a venue in Waterloo, London. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are on Tuesday mornings at two month intervals. |
Group description: | This group was set up as a forum to discuss companies in detail, each company is introduced by a member and discussion may last one or two hours. Membership is by invitation only. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | The group meets at a venue in Waterloo, London. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meeting on Monday mornings at two month intervals. |
Group description: | Group of investors that meets on a bi-monthly basis to discuss all things happening in the world of investing, share each other’s knowledge and give the benefit of each other’s experience. Group primarily focuses on unit trusts, open ended investment companies and investment trusts. However, all investments are up for discussion and new members are always welcome and encouraged. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Remotely via Zoom on Saturdays on a bi-monthly basis, on dates collectively agreed by all group members. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Bi-monthly. |
Group description: | This group nominally covers the whole of Scotland – although we are also open to members from wider afield. The focus of the group will be on ‘Technical Trading’ rather than Investing. Importantly, we understand that many people do both longer term investing and shorter term ‘technical trading’. Of that mix of styles this group will focus on ‘technical trading’ – so you might expect us to have conversations such as:
Swing Trading, Stop Losses and Position Sizing, Chart Patterns – Cup and Handle, Breakouts, Springs, Flags etc, Support & Resistance, Indicators, Price Targets, Positive Expectancy, Trade Management, Trading Systems, Trade Ideas and Evaluation, Trade Planning, Leading and Lagging Sectors, Leading and Lagging Participants within Sectors, Trade Journals, and the ‘Tools of the Trade’. The majority of the group have both longer term investments and carry out shorter term trades, too. They would term themselves both ‘investors’ with a longer term outlook and ‘traders’ with a shorter term outlook. The group members have broad experience in the markets – including across all asset classes and vehicles (shares – companies, trusts, ETFs, funds; spread-bets, CFDs, Options, Crypto). However, most of the group are predominantly interested in equities within the context of a portfolio. Although some members are highly experienced traders that is not true of all and experience level should not be seen as an impediment to joining. So, if you don’t know who Richard Wyckoff was, or why Fibonacci is even more relevant today than in the 11th Century – don’t worry! Every day is a ‘school day’ for us all – Mr Market makes sure of that! |
Meeting Type/Venue: | The aim is to have a mix of formats to support the requirements of all group members: – Online meetings once per month. Nominally on the last Tuesday of the month in the afternoon. The group will utilise MS Teams. – Occasional Face to Face meetings during week days to suit those members who are retired. – Meetings of opportunity: taking advantage of local investment seminars and events to meet up within the context of investment & trading. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Our aim is to meet at least once a month virtually with physical meetings when the opportunity arises. We are fortunate in Edinburgh to have many quality venues for meetings, and occasional investor events that allow ad-hoc meet-ups around the shared interest of investing & trading. |
Group description: | The Worcestershire group was established in January 2024, and is open to all SIGnet members who have an interest in profiting from, and developing their stock market experience (other asset classes qualify too!). Novices and Fund Managers are made equally welcome.
Meetings consider topical investment issues, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and are intended to provide a forum for the enjoyable sharing of areas of expertise. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Face to face meetings are held monthly. Various venues in Worcestershire are used. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are held monthly, on weekdays, typically staring at 12 Noon, and finishing at 3pm. |
Group description: | Our group members have wide ranging investment experience and work backgrounds. Discussion topics include reviewing our recent stock or collective investment buying and selling activity, plus what we are considering buying or selling and the reasons for our decisions. We also have a wider discussion on where we think opportunities might arise in the next few months and what we think needs to be avoided. Members occasionally lead discussions on specific topics such as recent events attended, articles or books of interest and sources of investment ideas and information. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | During the pandemic our meetings were held on Zoom, but we have now resumed meeting in person at a location a few miles to the west of Colchester. Most meetings will now be in person, but it is possible that occasional meetings will be held on Zoom in special circumstances. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | We meet midweek every two months. Zoom meetings run for about two hours from 10.30am and in person meetings from 11am until about 3pm, including a break for lunch. |
Group description: | This group meets to look at issues that are of interest to the group, to look at individual companies with an investors eye and collectively raise the group’s knowledge of investable companies. There is also discussion on buys and sells made by members which calls upon and builds the collective skills and understanding of the group members. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | The meetings are held in Piccadilly Circus in a pub private room. The group does not meet on zoom. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | The group meets on the second Wednesday in every month from 6.30pm to 9pm. |
Group description: | The National Group is open to all members of SIGnet. It is intended primarily for new SIGnet members, who may not yet have found another suitable group to join. We aim to welcome new members and discuss their investment interests and current investment topics. Investors with all levels of experience are welcome to join. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Online |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | The National Group meets monthly, on a weekday evening. Meetings are generally from 7-8:30pm. |
Group description: | This group was formed in September 2023 and meets in-person during the evening in a London pub. The group is open to all investors – a good proportion of the initial membership are experienced investors. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | In-person meetings. Pub. Dinner and drinks. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Monthly on the third Tuesday of the month from 6-9pm. |
Group description: | Group focused on active investing, primarily in small / medium cap UK equities. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Regular Zoom meetings interspersed with occasional face to face meetings and social activities in the North West. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Monthly on Saturdays at 10am. |
Group description: | Our group covers a wide spectrum of mainly stock market investing and trading from equities – which include shares, ETF’s Investment and Unit Trusts. We normally rotate the meeting chairperson (responsible for creating, with member’s help, suitable agendas) and a meeting presenter (members take it in turns to provide a 15 to 45 minute presentation on a subject of their choice). Various investing topics of interest are regularly discussed such as software, brokers, investing categories and markets and any related topics of interest. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Meetings will be returning to in-person in a private room at a West London golf club, close to an underground station. In the meantime monthly video calls and an in-between meeting email group will continue. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | In-person meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month in the afternoons, following a golf club one course lunch. |
Group description: | The Options group has been meeting monthly for some 20+ years and new members who are either trading or interested in trading options are always welcome. Our members trade options predominately on both UK and USA shares, indices, currencies and commodities. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Meetings take place via video call. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are monthly, on the 4th Wednesday of each month, normally from 12:30 to 2:30 and sometimes run over. |
Group description: | This group is nominally the Edinburgh group. However, the group actually draws membership from: Edinburgh, The Lothians, The Borders, Fife and Stirlingshire.
The majority of the group are what you could called ‘investors’ with a longer term outlook rather than ‘traders’, but several have broad experience in the markets. Most of the group are predominantly interested in equities within the context of a portfolio. Some members have interests across asset classes and are interested in portfolio construction and portfolio management. Although some members are highly experienced investors that is not true of all and experience level should not be seen as an impediment to joining. The group is open to new members. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | The aim is to have a mix of formats to support the requirements of all group members:
– Online meetings once per month in the evenings to suit those members who are working |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Our aim is to meet at least once a month virtually with physical meetings as frequently or more often when the opportunity arises. We are fortunate in Edinburgh to have many quality venues for meetings, and occasional investor events that allow ad-hoc meet-ups around the shared interest of investing. |
Group description: | This group is open to all levels of investor and is particularly popular because it meets after working hours in central London. The meeting usually has a presentation or group discussion on aspects of investing and also runs a Buys & Sells session which gives everyone the chance to see what the other group members are buying or selling and why. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | The venue is near Victoria Station in a pub where the group also enjoy a meal from a typical pub menu. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | This group meets in the evening in London. It is a face to face group that meets every third Tuesday in the month from 6.30pm to 9pm. |
Group description: | This group is for those interested in investing in the USA. It is open to all investors with a special interest in this area and all levels of experience are welcome. A typical meeting will have a discussion on a particular market issue or a presentation by a member or external speaker on a subject of interest to the group. All members are expected to play a part in presenting and to take an active role in making the group of value to all its members. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | As a specialist group with a wide geographic spread of members, our meetings are held on zoom. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are monthly and are held on the third Tuesday in the month from 11-12.30PM. |
Group description: | A group that welcomes investors with all levels of experience. We aim to provide a friendly north-eastern welcome to anyone that wishes to join, share their knowledge of investing and benefit from others’ knowledge and experience.
The group discusses a range of investment related topics. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Currently, we’re meeting in-person at a venue in Durham. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings occur monthly, on weekday evenings from 7pm-9pm. We may vary this, according to demand from group members. |
Group description: | We hold monthly in-person meetings with possible exceptions in August and December. Discussions are generally on the topic of investment strategy and potential companies of interest. Each member is expected to make an investment-related presentation approximately once a year. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | We meet in a private room at a pub around 7 miles SW of Oxford. We usually each order a dish from the pub menu that is served during the meeting. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are in-person, monthly on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Typical meetings last 2 to 2.5 hours. |
Group description: | The group is open to more experienced and established investors who are active traders in shares, bonds and other investment vehicles. All present members are “mature” individuals but this would not preclude younger experienced investors.
At present there is an interest within the group in AIM shares with a view to inheritance tax planning but this is not in preclusion to other interests, REITs, Investment Trusts, Property etc. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Meetings take place in person at private houses mainly in the north Leeds area. On occasion, especially in the summer, meetings may be held in members’ houses elsewhere in the general area.
At each meeting the members outline their recent activity and its relevance to their overall investment goals. Current fiscal events and economic conditions are discussed. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | The group meets each month on a working day determined at the end of the preceding meeting.
The meetings commence at 10:30 am and continue until around 1:00 to 1:30 pm. |
Group description: | A small group covering Dorset and South Hampshire.
We enjoy wide ranging discussions sharing views and knowledge on all investing types. We discuss relevant world events, sectors of interest, unit and investment trusts and individual equities. The group has been running for many years and members are all active investors. New members welcome. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Monthly meeting alternating between Zoom and Face to Face. The latter is in a local pub near the New Forest. All the meetings of recent years have taken place in the evening. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Monthly during the evening, 7pm-9pm. |
Group description: | Meeting once a month, our group covers a variety of investment styles. We also have an active WhatsApp group and we welcome new members. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Physical meetings at a venue in Preston, Hitchin, SG4. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Monthly on a Saturday at 10am (usually the last Saturday of the month). |
Group description: | Experienced investors who have been members many years and newer members wanting to learn about investing. Members discuss portfolio content and reasons why they have certain assets and investments. Buys and sells discussed along with interesting shares being considered along with current issues in the market of local or international influence. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Physical face to face meetings held in a central pub in Easton in Gordano. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Usually monthly to 6 weekly, mid week 12 noon to 2pm with lunch. |
Group description: | We are a relatively small group, but have a wide range of interests so always start every meeting with a discussion about world issues and the “investing environment” generally. We always discuss individual members market activity and any interesting opportunities on their watchlists. There is currently a lot of expertise in the small cap value area of the market within the group. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Our preference is for a physical meeting and a hotel in Meriden (Coventry) is the usual location, but we do have on-line meetings when weather and/or health issues make that the most suitable option. We rotate the chair and this is agreed at the previous meeting. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Our preference is to meet every 4 weeks on a Thursday evening, but the exact details are agreed at the previous meeting. |
Group description: | Most members are experienced investors. The main focus is on equity investments (single stocks or investment trusts). Other asset classes are discussed. Meetings involve presentations from members who are expected to lead discussions from time to time. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Meeting quarterly, physically in Central London. Other months (8 months per year) on Zoom. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meetings are generally held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. The Quarterly physical meetings are from 11am-4pm (with approximately 1 hour break for lunch), the Zoom meetings (during the other 8 months) tend to last up to 2 hours (11am – 12:45pm). |
Group description: | A long-established group, however, we welcome new applications. Our meetings start at 10:15am with coffee and scones when members comment on their investment activities since the previous month. Generally, each member reports on a specific Company/IT/Fund e.t.c. This brings us to about 12:30pm when the meeting ends, and we have lunch. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | In-person at a Golf Club in Belfast. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | The group usually meets on the second Wednesday of the month, all year round, except in July and August when we have no meetings. Meetings commence at 10:15am and last 2-3 hours (including lunch). |
Group description: | We welcome anyone interested in investments regardless of their level of knowledge and experience. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Physical meeting in the Boardroom of a venue in RG9 (pre-meetings in the bar). |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Monthly – 3rd Wednesday of each month at 18:00 (except January, where the meeting will be held at lunch time). |
Group description: | We are a friendly social group welcoming investors with all levels of experience. Our membership varies between those with little or no knowledge of investing to those who live off their investing or their portfolios. We do not invest as a group so there is no money on the table, and we never discuss individual worth; we simply discuss and share investing ideas, we analyse the state of the market, individual stocks, funds, trusts, bonds etc., and we invite contributions from all group members. Guest speakers and company presentations are a regular feature, as is the SIGnet competition and also our own long-term Manchester Portfolio. We invite members to volunteer presentations from time to time on particular topics of their interest / expertise. At each meeting members are asked to share their latest or potential buying and selling activity. Our face-to-face meetings are punctuated by a lunch break, and for those with the time there is socialising and drinks afterwards. Most of all we learn from each other. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | The group meets through a combination of Zoom and face-to-face meetings at a central Manchester boardroom style venue. |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meets bi-monthly, 10am-3pm on Monday mornings, usually mid-month. |
Group description: | The Leicester Square Group welcomes investors with all levels of experience, but all members are expected to contribute to our discussions. We discuss/analyse individual stocks, market trends and investment topics. Guest speakers are sometimes invited to address the group. At each meeting all members are asked to inform the group of what stocks or collective investments they’ve been buying or selling, or are considering buying or selling. A friendly and supportive discussion is encouraged. The meeting is punctuated by a lunch break, providing an opportunity to socialise. After the meeting, members may stay on for drinks and to socialise further. |
Meeting Type/Venue: | Physical meetings at a central London venue |
Meeting Frequency/Timing: | Meets bi-monthly, 11am-4pm on a weekday |
It is important not to conflate nor confuse legal permissions with governance best practice. Governance best practice is represented by common sense, the FRC’s UK Corporate Governance Code and the QCA Corporate Governance Code.
I remain of the view that to change the law to allow Digital AGMs in limited circumstances is a good idea, so long as there are also requirements that ensure complete transparency and fairness. But best practice is more nuanced and companies should be able to choose what is best for their shareholders. Bad directors already ignore their shareholders and this will continue unless shareholder democracy is restored. Shareholders can alway vote with their feet and it is often best to sell shares in companies who refuse to engage with or listen to their shareholders.
I signed the petition and wrote ro my MP Jeremy Quin. His reply finally arrived this week and said nothing positive or constructive in reply to my detailed comments.
Shareholder democracy is over-reliant on political democracy at the moment.
I went to the Investor UK Show at the QE2 centre today and several people asked me about the petition/campaign and it is clear to me that many people have got the wrong end of the stick.
First, let me emphasise that 80-90% of the Open Letter is about the need for electronic communication and the need for companies and shareholders to be able to communicate by email.
Second, facilitating digital AGMs by changing the Companies Act is a minor part (10-20%) of what is proposed and the Open Letter heavily caveated the need for the company to decide the best approach for its particular circumstances in line with the FRC best practice guidance for AGMs.
Archie is entitled to his view that digital AGMs for M&S are best at present. With the share price increasing nicely, it would be unwise of me to argue against.
With enhanced electronic communication, it will be much easier in future for dissenting investors to put forward their collective views to company directors. Please sign the petition now, if you have not yet done so.
‘ShareSoc will continue to press all listed companies to hold hybrid AGMs in preference to digital only’
The petition you have supported and are encouraging others to support does not state this. It states that companies get to choose, not us or you.
The petition states “Give beneficial shareholders the right to direct info on plcs they invest in & plcs the right to visibility of who their shareholders are, make email a requirement to shareholding registration, & recognise digital AGMs”. As our article states, it is not perfectly aligned with ShareSoc and UKSA’s aims but its focus on information rights and shareholder visibility are at the core of our shareholder rights campaign and, as our article explains, are crucial for shareholder democracy. We have therefore chosen to support the petition, even though it is not perfect.
We will continue to make the case wherever and whenever we can for hybrid AGMs to be the preferred format for AGMs.
We encourage all those who support shareholder democracy to sign the petition too.
From the letter;
“In seeking to recognise the validity of digital meetings, it should not invalidate other forms, including physical and hybrid meetings, nor the ability for questions to be posed on the day and answered live. In line with the FRC’s ‘Good Practice Guidance for Company Meetings’ (July 2022) companies should have the flexibility to opt for the format that works for the size, shape and geography of its shareholder base.”
This means that the companies get to choose digital only AGMs and you have supported it.
And bad companies can currently hold their AGMs at 9am in the Outer Hebrides. So what is your point Danny? You seem to be conflating best practice guidance with the legal requirements of the Companies Act.
You have also missed the point that shareholders can requisition a General Meeting and require it to be a physical or hybrid meeting. Such requisitions will be much easier if the Companies Act changes are made to allow communication by email.
My point Cliff, simple though it is, is that you have supported the move to digital only AGMs. Which is against shareholder democracy.
Archie Norman;
“Most companies don’t look forward to their AGMs. They’ve become a bit of a chore,” says Archie Norman, chairman of M&S. AGMs are expensive for companies, and a tremendous amount of work for a relatively small number of shareholders. He adds: “A lot of companies, given Covid, have said this is terrific — let’s get rid of the whole shebang.”
I thought I had addressed the quotation. Let me add a bit of context for other readers. The FRC Guidance on AGMs reviewed the data, which included the points that Danny has quoted out of context. I know the FRC did, because I was a member of the working party. The FRC concluded that AGMs were important and developed guidance to help companies improve their AGMs.
Personal attack again Cliff.
My whole issue is the importance of AGMs. I am not the one voting to diminish them. You have supported a campaign which allows companies to choose digital only;
“In seeking to recognise the validity of digital meetings, it should not invalidate other forms, including physical and hybrid meetings, nor the ability for questions to be posed on the day and answered live. In line with the FRC’s ‘Good Practice Guidance for Company Meetings’ (July 2022) companies should have the flexibility to opt for the format that works for the size, shape and geography of its shareholder base.”
This allows companies to choose digital only AGMs. Not us.
Please advise how this can be out of context;
Archie Norman;
“Most companies don’t look forward to their AGMs. They’ve become a bit of a chore,” says Archie Norman, chairman of M&S. AGMs are expensive for companies, and a tremendous amount of work for a relatively small number of shareholders. He adds: “A lot of companies, given Covid, have said this is terrific — let’s get rid of the whole shebang.”
Mark Bentley stated;
“We have therefore chosen to support the petition, even though it is not perfect”
So, there is agreement that the petition is not perfect. The imperfection is that companies can choose digital only AGMs. So, is that imperfection too much? Does that invalidate the rest? For me, it does.
Mark Bentley stated;
“We will continue to make the case wherever and whenever we can for hybrid AGMs to be the preferred format for AGMs.”
However, ShareSoc have supported the Archie Norman campaign for digital AGMs.
ShareSoc have announced that their own AGM on 28th June 2023 at 11am will be online only.
Your practice is not aligned with your preach.
With reference to ShareSoc’s AGM: Its actually quite complicated organising a hybrid AGM in which all attendees, physical and virtual, can speak and see/hear others speak and where voting can take place securely and reliably for all physical and virtual attendees. That’s why corporates use specialist and costly platforms such as Lumi rather than Zoom or Teams. We would make a big dent in our annual budget if we were to do the same so we have to be sure that our members think this is a reasonable use of our resources in both time and money. We intend to consult with members when we have all the facts and see if there is sufficient demand for hybrid.
We had a useful meeting with Chris Thresh, Robin Mueller and their colleagues last Thursday at the Department for Business and Trade. They were most interested in the campaign, were very aware of it and are watching how it is developing. We discussed the S793 sweep and I have promised to give them examples of companies that use the Data Protection excuse as a means of delaying the provision of the company register and register of interests, so avoiding being held to account by their shareholders. This led to a useful discussion of the 5 day delay in provision of information to shareholders that the postal address system involves and highlighted a key point in the Open Letter about the need for email communication. They and the Treasury are keen that progress is made and mention may be in the King’s Speech in November 2023. Depending on what Flint proposes, some aspects may even be achievable via secondary legislation. We also had a useful discussion around best practice and how good companies could be nudged to engage better with companies. We also discussed the bad companies (the ones who hold AGMs in the Outer Hebrides at 9am start) and the only way to deal with these is probably via legislating what the minimum requirement must be. They also explained the key Minister will be Kevin Hollinrake, but also to copy in Lord Johnson.
M&S AGM is at 11am on 4th July. Annual report on page 3 says this, which I think summarises their intent.
“We are also leading a national “Share your Voice” campaign to bring back retail shareholder democracy fit for a modern digital era. If M&S does not stand up for the small shareholder, who will?
Given the scale and passion of our retail shareholder base, we want to use today’s technology to make it easier to have a stake and say in M&S”
I shall ask a question at the M&S AGM to see how well their system works.
You may ask a question at their AGM but it won’t be in person, you will be typing it in and hoping they answer.
“Shareholders are advised not to travel to the venue on the day,
as the meeting will be fully digitally-enabled. Board members
will not be available for interaction with shareholders in person,
as they will be taking part in the meeting broadcast under
studio conditions. Any shareholders travelling to the venue
against the Board’s recommendation will be advised to join the
meeting electronically, and will be provided with assistance to
do so, if needed. Refreshments will not be provided.”
This is what you are encouraging, this is not good for shareholder democracy.
Hello – I write for the Mail on Sunday and I am very interested in some of the views expressed here about the M&S AGM. Would love to contact some of you directly. If anyone has time to talk to me this afternoon, please contact me on