Should ShareSoc become a Charity? We need your advice/help if you have relevant charity experience.


Have you ever been involved in running or setting up a charity? We are reviewing ShareSoc’s status and we believe some of our members might have valuable insights. If you have relevant experience, we would love to pick your brains on the key decisions and process. Please contact if you can help.

ShareSoc is currently a not-for-profit enterprise. We are reviewing the possibility of achieving charitable status. Much of our activity including education, research and campaigns with societal benefits appear to fit within the allowed ‘charitable purposes’ and all Directors are unpaid volunteers.

We believe that charitable status would bring significant benefits, boosting our financial resources and enabling us to achieve significantly more for and on behalf of investors and for those seeking to learn more about investment. Better corporate governance and financial service provider behaviour can positively impact society as a whole. We anticipate that at least a portion of our membership fees would be eligible for Gift Aid and would therefore also be a tax deductible for members. Any donations would also attract Gift Aid, and certain Legacy bequests would be exempt from IHT. Charitable status would also assist ShareSoc in pursuing grants, corporate sponsorships/giving and central government funding. These would be a step-change for ShareSoc’s resources and hence capabilities and impact.

We need to develop this concept, design an appropriate legal structure (there are several forms of charitable entity), and prepare an application to the Charity Commission.

If you can help or advise ShareSoc in this initiative, please contact

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