Sirius Minerals Update #14

News Item Sirius Minerals:

Following the update in December, the Sirius Claim Group has continued its work to collate and present information to support any potential claim(s).

This reached an initial conclusion and since April we have been engaged with a legal firm to review the potential. This process involves a number of stages and will naturally take an amount of time. It may also require us to review the information with more than one legal firm to achieve the desired outcome which would be claim to pursue, a funded legal firm to represent and take it forward and a fair agreement on any costs/deductions from any potential settlements.

We appreciate that everybody would like to know the outcome as soon as possible and we would hope to provide a further update in June. It continues to be the case that it is not possible to share information as it may prejudice any claim(s) and we thank you for your patience and support.

Best regards,

Paul Anscombe

Chair: Sirius Claim Group   

18 May 2021

  1. Paul Davis says:

    Keep up the good work. Thank you.

  2. john crawford says:

    Thank you for your email regarding Sirius

  3. Mark Mitchell says:

    Thanks for the update. Keep up the great work

  4. Davie wilson says:

    Fingers crossed we get the outcome we all deserve. Keep up the great work

  5. Stephen Stringer says:

    Thanks for the update, your efforts are much appreciated

  6. Robert Morrison says:

    Keep up the good work. I would appreciate receiving if not all, some of the £40+k I lost

  7. Robert Helm says:

    Thank you for the update. It is encouraging to know that you are still actively pursuing our interests.

  8. Peter Watson says:

    Thanks for the update really appreciate the effort I lost a lot of money keep up the good work Best regards Peter

  9. derek Forrest says:

    Thank s for the update . I hope all goes well I really feel that the share holders deserve compensation. It s good to know that you are working hard to that end

  10. Paul says:

    Thanks for the update – look forward to the next one

  11. Jeff Ingledew says:

    Please keep up the good work .

    Is it possible to alert interested parties via Twitter to get heads up on new announcements ?


  12. Linda Elliott says:

    thank you so much for all your efforts It is so appreciated

  13. Mr Daniel Lawrence says:

    I really appreciate you guys looking into this and will await the next update.

    • Jeff Ingledew says:

      I’m not sure what the membership numbers are at present to help in the campaign but I would think if we could get a legal firm to take it on , with some proactive publicity the numbers would go through the roof and well worth the while to take this further.

      I think any legal firm looking at it will be overwhelmed with offers. IMO

      • Colin says:

        I would gladly give a percentage to anyone who takes this on. I am absolutely broke now due to this fiasco of a sham.

  14. tony kehoe kehoe says:

    As like many i sold at considerable loss , the big boys won again . as i sold my shares would i have any legal grounds for compensation ?.. i was thinking it was all over?.
    this is not the first time for me . ,,i wish you all luck .

    regards tk.

  15. Gary Gilbey says:

    Have you done the petition thing so parliament must discuss?

  16. Norman N says:

    Hope this continues to go well with the legal side there are many of us waiting for news!

  17. Ben Greenwood says:

    Hi, Just wondering if there was any updated information available? Many thanks, Appreciate what ShareSoc is trying to achieve.

  18. Mike Taylor says:

    Is a anything happening these days?

  19. Jeff says:

    No . Forget it it’s finished. If a law firm hadn’t had time over the last 2 years twiddling their thumbs whilst CV had reduced workload to look at it then no hope of anyone being interested now .

  20. Cliff Weight says:

    We have been talking to two legal firms. I do not have any positive news to report at present, other than to say there are some interesting possibilities, but we are some way from establishing whether there is a viable claim.

  21. Martin Johnson says:

    Thanks for the 23rd Dec 2021 update.

  22. Robert Hill says:

    SIRIUS Fooled many people with exceptional positive comments and results.. i was one of them investing 15k in a GOOD UK project that should have been a long term investment SOLD OUT for 2.5k – UK GOVT should have closed them down

  23. Thomas Miller says:

    Hp have won their case against the fraudulent purchase of autonomy
    Well done HP

  24. Thomas Miller says:

    what’s the latest
    Any progress

  25. Cliff Weight says:

    I don’t want to raise expectations of a potential claim, nor do I want to say a claim impossible. We continue to pursue some interesting possibilities. When we have news we can share, we will do so.

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