The Volkswagen DieselGate Scandal

Press release 111 – It is time for a negotiated settlement for European investors:

    • VW has been dragging its feet over European claims
    • The company has paid out 30 billion EUR in the US
    • This approach is unfair and unjust to European investors
    • Delaying tactics have not worked; legal pressure is mounting
    • The two leading investor protection associations call for a negotiated settlement

    The World Federation of Investors and BETTER FINANCE, the two leading investor protection associations, have consistently supported this approach, and have reconfirmed their commitment on the occasion of their joint International Conference in Beirut in June – click here for the official press release.

    UKSA and ShareSoc are both members of The World Federation of Investors and BETTER FINANCE, and are supportive of them in this process.

    Information About Better Finance, WFI, ShareSoc and UKSA

    BETTER FINANCE, the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users, is the public interest non-governmental organisation advocating and defending the interests of European citizens as financial services users at the European level to lawmakers and the public in order to promote research, information and training on investments, savings and personal finances. It is the one and only European level organisation solely dedicated to the representation of individual investors, savers and other financial services users.
    Since the BETTER FINANCE constituency includes individual and small shareholders, fund and retail investors, savers, pension fund participants, life insurance policy holders, borrowers, and other stakeholders who are independent from the financial industry, it has the best interests of all European citizens at heart. Its activities are supported by the European Union since 2012.

    The World Federation of Investors
    The World Federation of Investors is an independent, not-for-profit organization whose members are primarily national shareholders’ associations. WFI was formed to promote investor education and shareholder advocacy.
    WFI helps national shareholders associations and investor advocacy groups better serve their members. WFI offers its members the benefits of enhanced information, financial education and better investment tools and techniques.

    Information About ShareSoc, the UK Individual Shareholders Society
    ShareSoc is the UK’s largest retail shareholder organisation acting in all areas of the UK stock market with 5,000 members. It is a not for profit company. ShareSoc is dedicated to the support of individual investors (private shareholders as opposed to institutional investors). We aim to make and keep investors better informed to improve their investment skills and protect the value of their investments. We won’t shirk from tackling companies, the Government or other institutions if we think individual shareholders are not being treated fairly.

    UKSA, The UK Shareholders’ Association
    UKSA is the oldest shareholder campaigning organisation in the UK. UKSA is a not for profit company that represents and supports shareholders who invest in the UK stock market.

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