UKSA / ShareSoc policy papers, submissions and campaigns

Since we began merger discussions, UKSA and ShareSoc have worked together on policy and campaigning issues. Below is a list of issues where we have made a significant input. This shows the wide number of areas where we have been active since 1st January 2017 (Updated 25th October 2018).

Date Document Recipient Drafted by Notes
December 2018 (Started Dec 2016) RBS Shareholder committee campaign RBS/Media ShareSoc (CW) Supported by UKSA
November 2018 Procurement of Audit services

(Kingman Part II)

Sir John Kingman PP with CW Joint submission from UKSA and SS
October  2018 Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) consultation on competition in the audit market CMA PP with CW Joint submission from UKSA and SS
October 2018 Consultation on ‘Illiquid assets and open ended funds’. FCA CW with minor input from PP Joint submission from SS and UKSA
September 2018 Unilever campaign. letters to MPs and press quotes MPs and media CW with PP Joint  SS / UKSA Campaign
September 2018 Investment platforms market study FCA CW with PP Joint submission from UKSA and SS
August 2018 Kingman review of the FRC BEIS / Sir John Kingman PP with CW Joint submission from UKSA and SS
June 2018 BEIS Consultation on Insolvency and corporate Governance BEIS PP with CW Joint submission from UKSA and SS
May 2018 Beaufort Securities re treatment of customers assets and PWC fees Regulators / MPs/ media Masterminded by SS supported by UKSA Joint SS / UKSA campaign
May 2018 Campaign to encourage members to write to MPs about Beaufort Securities re nominee risks Regulators / MPs/ media Masterminded by SS supported by UKSA Joint SS / UKSA campaign
May 2018


Shareholder Rights Campaign to encourage members to write to MPs about SRD II implementation and name on register Regulators / MPs/ media Masterminded by SS supported by UKSA Joint SS / UKSA campaign


BEIS Consultation on SRD II BEIS CW with input from PP Joint submission from UKSA and SS


Aviva Irredeemable Prefs campaign Treasury Select C’ttee and media CW and PP Coordinated input by UKSA and SS
March 2018 Response to FCA on its approach to competition FCA PP with input from CW Joint submission from UKSA & SS
February 2018 FCA Approach to consumers FCA JH/ MGW/ CW Joint submission from UKSA and SS
February 2018 Letter to Chris Shaw at BEIS re Carillion BEIS CW Joint submission from UKSA and SS
February 2018 FRC consultation on updated Corporate Governance Code FRC PP with input from CW Joint submission from UKSA & SS
February 2018 Feedback to FRC on Priorities and Draft Budget for 2018 19 FRC PP with input from CW Joint submission from UKSA & SS
January 2018 (ongoing) Blancco. Campaign re audit problems and market abuse. FRC, FCA ShareSoc (Bruce Noble and CW) ShareSoc campaign
January 2018 Open letter – Are Profits Real? FRC + media Sarasin & Partners Jointly signed by UKSA
October 2017 Feedback to FRC on draft amendments to guidance on the strategic report. FRC PP+CW Joint submission
October 2017 Position paper – Investors require independent regulator FRC + others Sarasin & Partners Jointly signed by UKSA
September 2017 Patient capital review HM Treasury CW with input from PP Sent in as SS document.
September 2017 Talk on 2007/8 Banking Crisis – underlying causes.  Transparency Taskforce MGW Presentation at TT event by MGW.
June 2017 Review of FRC enforcement procedures sanctions FRC PP + CW Joint submission
June 2017 Letter to FT on bank capital requirements FT Sarasin & Partners Jointly signed by UKSA and others
February 2017 Response to FCA Asset Management Market Study FCA MGW UKSA submission
January 2017 Joint submission Response to Government Green Paper on Corporate Governance BEIS PP + CW Identical submissions from both UKSA & SS
January 2017 Response to FCA Mission Statement FCA PP Identical submissions from UKSA and SS
Nov 2016 (ongoing) Redcentric. Campaign re audit problems and market abuse. FRC, FCA ShareSoc (Mark Bentley) ShareSoc campaign
Nov 2015

(closed in 2018)

Globo. Campaign re audit problems and market abuse. FRC, FCA ShareSoc (Roger Lawson) ShareSoc campaign
2015 (ongoing) Foresight 4. Various issues. FRC ShareSoc

(Tim Grattan)

ShareSoc campaign


These campaigns, consultation responses and policy take up considerable time and resources. If any member has an interest and wishes to help out, that would be most helpful. Those interested please contact Cliff Weight via

CW= Cliff Weight

PP= Peter Parry

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