About Us
What is special about SIGnet:
- The SIGnet group is the beating heart of the organisation
- The SIGnet culture supports free discussion in an informal and social atmosphere
- Our network of over 25 groups, including specialist groups
- “After meetings” following ShareSoc webinars to get investors views of the company featured
- Central support, refreshing and creating groups as needed
- Members-only Newsletter
- Group Forums
- The SIGnet Investors’ Index
- Our website – providing a link to members and between members
The sum is greater than the parts!

SIGnet’s objective
To create an environment in which individual investors can increase their investing performance through membership of social, informal SIGnet groups
A PI World interview with Bill Fawkner-Corbett (Head of SIGnet) who takes us through his journey discovering Compounders and the reasons for investing in them. Although all the examples he gives in the presentation are US shares, the majority of his portfolio is in UK shares – he stresses that more than a few of these he considers to be Compounders.
We are a not-for-profit organisation
Membership fees are used for only one thing – to improve member services.

Local and national groups
SIGnet comprises over twenty five separate groups. Many of these are local, but there are also groups with a national membership as well as groups specialising in specific market areas.
Following the pandemic our meetings are a mix of face to face and Zoom meetings. Our speciality groups are all on Zoom because they draw their memberships from wider areas, whilst many local groups prefer to meet face to face.

In addition to the local, national and specialist group structure, SIGnet also hosts member forums to allow wider discussion.
Members are encouraged to post questions and items of investment interest and to participate actively in the commentary and debate.
Forums are moderated to ensure that information posted is legal, and to maintain a friendly, safe online environment for members.