Cambridge Investor Group

Physical Virtual Locality

The group has been successfully operating for over 24 years and currently has members with diverse investment styles. However there is sufficient in common to ensure an interesting mix of ideas and experience which provides a great sounding board for investing as well as the opportunity to enhance our investment skills.

Some members lean towards a buy and hold approach whilst others trade more frequently, some use technical analysis methods, others use fundamentals or a combination.

Discussions cover companies predominantly listed on the London Stock Exchange, including small AIM stocks, but investments in other countries are sometimes included. Investment trusts, exchange traded funds, bonds and some other financial instruments are included.

Economic issues as they relate to investing are discussed for those who adopt a top down approach.

Additionally, experience of different investing software and information sources provides good insights into what members find works well for them.

If an investment related subject is of interest to the majority of the group then it is included, such as government budget announcements, pensions and inheritance tax etc.

Please note that this group is for experienced investors only.

Meetings are usually online but at least two meetings per year will be face to face in a pub a few miles to the west of Cambridge
Monthly, usually on the first and second Thursday of each month
Online meetings are on a Thursday at 7pm. Any face to face meetings will be during the day

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