Worcestershire Investor Group

Physical Locality

The Worcestershire is open to all SIGnet members who have an interest in profiting from, and developing their stock market experience (other asset classes qualify too!). Novices and Fund Managers are made equally welcome. Meetings consider topical investment issues, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and are intended to provide a forum for the enjoyable sharing of areas of expertise.

Various venues in Worcestershire are used
Face to face meetings are held monthly on weekdays
Typically staring at 12 Noon, and finishing at 3pm

Group Updates

The latest updates from the Worcestershire group.

December 2024

The group enjoyed a presentation on technical analysis, covering moving averages, chart patterns and other indicators. Members also discussed the rise of AI in investing, reflecting on its ability to analyse company announcements and manage funds. Stock discussions included National World, Rolls Royce, and Fresnillo. Plans for 2025 include an exciting line-up of presentations including on corporate bonds and climate change investing. The next meeting will be on Thursday, 16th January 2025, followed by lunch for those who wish to attend.

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