
Leaders Need to Set an Example Over Pay

The Daily Mail ran an excellent story on bankers pay and dividends, see They rang me about it and ShareSoc got a name check - Cliff Weight, director of shareholder organisation Sharesoc, said: 'The regulator is not being strong enough here. A lot of bonuses are now paid out in shares and the regulator has said nothing about that.' None of Britain's major banks has yet confirmed how they will ensure executive pay appropriately reflects the pressures the industry is under. Many ...

Daily Mail, 2 April 2020, Give up Your Bonuses Cliff Weight, director of shareholder organisation ShareSoc, said: 'The regulator is not being strong enough here. A lot of bonuses are now paid out in shares and the regulator has said nothing about that.' None of Britain's major banks has yet confirmed how they will ensure executive pay appropriately reflects the pressures the industry is under.

Banks and Bank Credit Card Accounting

It's going to be exciting week next week for RBS and Lloyds Bank shareholders with both AGMs on Thursday in Scotland - we expect to issue a report on events. Indeed it's going to be an exciting period ahead because the law suits by those investors in the RBS rights issue who have not yet settled, and an action over the takeover of HBOS by LloydsTSB, are both getting into court in the next few months. Having Fred Goodwin on the witness ...