ITI Capital

Progress For SVS Clients

Since our last report on the situation for clients of failed broker SVS Securities, I am pleased to report that there have been significant positive developments. Firstly, ITI Capital has been in contact with ShareSoc and appears willing to work with us to ensure a satisfactory resolution for former clients of SVS. This is a very positive development. According to this news report the FCA has been monitoring the situation too. It is good to hear that the FCA has been fulfilling ...

SVS Client Support Group

This campaign is now closed ShareSoc has established this group to support former clients of SVS Securities who are experiencing difficulties in recovering their assets. If you would like our support, or to help other SVS clients, please join our SVS Support Group. Objectives The objectives of this group are: To provide assistance to former SVS clients who are experiencing difficulties To investigate the causes of undue delays in the recovery of assets, with a view to preventing recurrences in future Special Administrations of ...