THIS WEDNESDAY - How can we encourage more women to take an interest in investing? - Register for the webinar


Analyst Presentations: the Unlevel Playing Field

A core aim for ShareSoc is to seek to level the playing field for individual shareholders. One aspect of this is addressing the cosy chats that companies have with analysts and favoured institutional investors, which individual investors usually cannot gain access to. A typical example of this was contained in ScS's recent interim results announcement: https://www.investegate.co.uk/scs-group-plc--scs-/rns/interim-results/201803210700033530I/ Investor and Analyst Meeting A meeting for analysts will be held at the office of Buchanan, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN on 21 March 2018 commencing at 9.30am. ScS ...

Who are the Election Winners and Losers?

Who are the General Election winners and losers? Well most investors have benefited because the market as a whole has risen today after the election results gave the Conservatives an unexpected victory. Specific sectors that benefited were house builders and utility companies. House builders were generally up at the time of writing this note, with Berkeley Group in particular up 10% - no doubt investors being relieved there would be no mansion tax affecting expensive properties in London.  Utility companies were ...

ScS Group listing – a pre-pack phoenix relists

Upholstery and flooring retailer ScS Group Plc (SCS) joined the main market of the LSE on the 28th January.  At the placing price of 175p the market cap was £70m.  Now you may recall that this company used to be listed a few years ago, but went into administration in July 2008. It's useful to look back at what happened then and at some aspects of the current business in case you are considering an investment in the company. In 2008 the ...