Thomas Cook – The end of the road

We had quite a lot of enquiries about Thomas Cook and what actions shareholders might take. We have until now adopted a watching brief. We recently had a teleconference...

Deferred Shares Report and Voting Trends Survey

Study shows low adoption of deferred share plans Tom Gosling, Partner, PwC | Executive Fellow, London Business School | Steering Committee Member, Purposeful Company Taskforce has written a good...

FT Lombard column mention of ShareSoc

Lombard 1 Oct 2019  suggested ShareSoc may sue the Thomas Cook auditors. ShareSoc is always pleased to get a mention in the FT. However, the FT were a bit...

Daily Mail, 24 September 2019, Thomas Cook Small Investors’ Fury ...Cliff Weight, director of investors group Sharesoc, said it was 'early days' but that the body which represents small investors was looking at the role of auditors EY. He raised concerns in July about assurances the company gave earlier in the year that its cash position was improving and it was in talks with its banks simply as a 'proactive' measure. Speaking after the company collapsed with £1.7billion of debt, Weight said: 'We are concerned at the disconnect between management rhetoric and reality, ...

Daily Mail, 14 July 2019, Thomas Cook – misleading investors?

Cliff Weight asks if Thomas Cook were misleading investors and if the FCA should investigate. The 3 May RNS looks unduly optimistic in the light of today’s announcement. Thomas Cook’s directors need to be held to account for making such positive statements, which may have misled many individual investors. The shares were shorted over 10% before the 12 July announcement. This suggests the directors were slow to act to inform the market. Individual investors have a right to be treated fairly and prima ...