
Barclays, Tesco and MoPowered

Barclays, Tesco and MoPowered - two big companies and one a typical new AIM company which has yet to show it can make a profit - but all three are under the weather in the last couple of days. Barclays have today (23/9/2014) been fined £38m by the Financial Conduct Authority for failing to ensure that clients money in the investment bank was kept separate from the banks own assets. When I joked in my local Barclays Bank this morning that I ...

Tesco admits it needs a new leader

Today Tesco announced that CEO Philip Clarke is departing. The statement included a further profit warning which mentioned that the overall market is weaker and trading profit in the first half of the year is below expectations. It's surely an acceptance that Mr Clarke had been given long enough to turn around the business, but had ultimately failed (he has been in the CEO role since March 2011). The new CEO is to be Dave Lewis who joins from Unilever where he has ...

How many corporate jets does Tesco need?

How many corporate jets does Tesco need? Four is the answer apparently. Every little helps (sic) as is their motto no doubt. The cost of these aircraft has actually risen in recent years and the expenditure on them was £8.9m last year. In addition the company has established a new "corporate" office in the West End of London for meetings rather than have directors travel to Cheshunt (that's just north of London for those who don't know). One has to ask whether they have ...