Woodford Equity

Mail on Sunday, 29 Nov 2020, ShareSoc has given its backing to Leigh Day class action against Link re Woodford

https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/investing/article-8996493/Woodford-Equity-Income-action-wins-key-backing-ShareSoc.html Shareholder organisation ShareSoc backs class action that seeks justice for investors who lost money in Woodford Equity Income By JEFF PRESTRIDGE, FINANCIAL MAIL ON SUNDAY PUBLISHED: 21:51, 28 November 2020 | UPDATED: 21:51, 28 November 2020 also in CityWire Citywire Financial Publishers Sunday Papers: Arcadia collapse sends Debenhams rescue … Mail on Sunday: ShareSoc, the powerful shareholder organisation, has given its backing to a class action being put together by law firm Leigh … 6 hours ago

ShareSoc Launches Woodford Campaign

A ShareSoc News item written by ShareSoc Director Cliff Weight Update 1, 19 Nov 2020, SHARESOC LAUNCHES WOODFORD CAMPAIGN  Our primary objectives are: to facilitate communication between Woodford investors to help Woodford investors seek compensation for their losses where possibe to ensure that those who contributed to those losses through action or inaction are held to account to bring about changes in the regulations and regulatory enforcement to ensure this type of scandal does not happen again We are pleased that several legal initiatives have ...

Woodford Campaign

Update 25th November 2024 Click here to read Update 17 in full. ShareSoc Endorses the RGL Woodford Group Litigation against Hargreaves Lansdown This update examines the RGL Woodford Group Litigation and sets out the reasons for ShareSoc’s endorsement. ShareSoc believes that the potential benefits of the RGL Woodford Group Litigation against Hargreaves Lansdown outweigh the identified risks for the vast majority of claimants, and that it is in the interest of affected investors to participate. On this basis, ShareSoc has chosen to endorse the claim. The ...