
ShareSoc Growth Company Seminar (Hybrid Event) – HarbourVest Global Private Equity (HVPE)

Click here for the presentation pack. Click here for the Stockopedia report.

ShareSoc Webinar with HarbourVest Global Private Equity (HVPE) – 17 June 2021

Click here for the Stockopedia report.

ShareSoc Webinar with Harbourvest (HVPE), 29 October 2020

Click here to download the Stockopedia report. The recording of the webinar is below

ShareSoc Webinar with HarbourVest (HVPE), 8 July 2020

Click here to download a Stockopedia Report for HarbourVest (HVPE). The recording of the webinar is below

ShareSoc Growth Company Seminar, Birmingham, October 2019

Click here for the presentation from Roger Lawson delivered at the Birmingham Seminar Click here for the Stockopedia-Reports

ShareSoc Growth Company Seminar, Manchester, June 2019

Click here for the Stockopedia Reports

ShareSoc Growth Company Seminar, London, March 2019

Click here for the Stockopedia Reports

ShareSoc Growth Company Seminar, Manchester, October 2018

Click here for the Stockopedia Reports

ShareSoc Growth Company Seminar, London, September 2018

Click here for the Stockopedia Reports

ShareSoc Growth Company Seminar, London, March 2018

Click here for the Stockopedia Reports

ShareSoc Growth Company Seminar, London, September 2016

Stockopedia Reports not available.

ShareSoc Growth Company Seminar, London, November 2015

Click here for Stockopedia Reports

Blog posts

Investment trusts: time for boards to earn their corn

This article reflects the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. Why boards can't leave everything to the market. Or to the manager. Every morning I take the dog on a long walk, and usually listen to a podcast or two. One of my regulars is the Money Makers podcast, which is presented by investment trusts aficionado Jonathan Davis. Every week he has a couple of commentators on the sector, usually a manager and a generalist, often a broker or ...

Investment Trust Discounts, What To Do About Them and SEC Example

In this article, I argue that discounts are bad for those invested in a trust, and the Board of the investment trust should look to reduce any discount. However, for those thinking of investing in the trust the discount might be an opportunity. The question is, how real is that opportunity or is it just a 'value trap'? We look at why discounts can arise and the measures that can be taken to eliminate them or even move the trust to a ...

Confessions of a Tax Avoider

There have been extensive reports in the press about revelations contained in the so-called "Paradise Papers". One of the most intriguing of these has been the accusation of tax avoidance levelled at the Duchy of Lancaster, part of the Queen's private estate. I was therefore interested to read the details contained in this article in the Financial Times... and from it, I learnt that I am a tax avoider too! Before moving on to the specific issue, I will just point out ...

Levelling the Playing Field

One of ShareSoc's objects is "to ensure equal treatment for all shareholders". We are therefore rather disappointed when, as happens all too frequently, companies issue announcements like the one from Crest Nicholson today: http://www.investegate.co.uk/crest-nicholson-hdgs--crst-/rns/analyst---investor-day/201706270700022028J/ The announcement was issued at 7am this morning and announces an event for analysts and investors taking place on the same day. It is clear that this event is not open to ordinary individual shareholders. Selected analysts and favoured institutional shareholders will undoubtedly have been invited well in advance. ...

Shareholder Friendly Approach from HarbourVest

For once it is good to see a company actively reach out to engage with its shareholders, something ShareSoc applauds and encourages. HarbourVest Global Private Equity (HVPE) is a Guernsey registered investment trust, which invests primarily in global private equity funds-of-funds, managed by an affiliate of Boston based HarbourVest Partners LLC. It is a substantial trust with a market cap. in excess of $1bn. It is currently listed on the specialist funds market of the LSE, but has been planning a move ...


ShareSoc Webinar with HarbourVest Global Private Equity (HVPE)
29 October 2020

Company: HarbourVest Global Private Equity (HVPE) Date: 29th October 2020 Time: 5pm start - 6pm finish Presenters: Richard Hickman (Director - Investment and Operations) and Charlotte Edgar (Vice President - Head of Investor Relations) Company Information: London listed, FTSE 250 private equity investment company with assets of $2.3 billion (at 31 August 2020) and a market capitalisation of approximately £1.4 billion. HVPE invests in private companies and portfolios of private companies through funds managed by HarbourVest Partners, an innovative global private markets asset manager with more than 35 years ...