Blog posts

Portfolio Review 2024 – Mark Bentley

Introduction This is now my fifth annual comprehensive portfolio review. See my 2020 review for an explanation of my investment objectives, strategy, "asset types" and investment accounts. My 2023 review can be found here. In 2024 my portfolio's underperformance of my FTSE All-Share total return benchmark continued, albeit more modestly. My total return was 7.7% vs 9.8% for the benchmark. I may have to review my strategy if this underperformance continues in 2025 - but it may simply be a consequence of the ...

Portfolio Review 2023 – Mark Bentley

This article reflects the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. Introduction This is now my fourth annual comprehensive portfolio review. See my 2020 review for an explanation of my investment objectives, strategy, "asset types" and investment accounts. My 2022 review can be found here. 2023 was again a difficult and disappointing rollercoaster year. For the second consecutive year my results underperformed my FTSE All-share total return benchmark. See "Results Breakdown" below for the gory details. At least this year my aggregate ...

Babcock Price Fall, Segro Placing, TR Property

I said in a previous blog post “that I tend to avoid FTSE-100 companies as their share prices are driven by professional analysts’ comments, by geo-political concerns, by general economic trends and by commodity prices. You can buy a FTSE-100 company and soon find it’s going downhill because one influential analyst has decided its prospects are not as they previously thought”. Indeed that is exactly what happened after I made a recent purchase of Babcock International (BAB). Soon after, Shore Capital Markets ...

Property Companies and TR Property AGM

Yesterday I attended the Annual General Meeting of TR Property Investment Trust (TRY). I have held shares in this company for a long time, and it’s always useful to attend their AGM as you get a useful update on trends in the property market from the fund manager (Marcus Phayre-Mudge of late). As he mentioned, the fact that they hold property directly, as well as holding shares in property companies gives them a unique insight into the state of the market. Apart ...

AGM Reports

TR Property AGM 2022

Today (26/07/2022) there were two Annual General Meetings for companies in which I hold shares – TR Property Investment Trust (TRY) and Telecom Plus (TEP), both of which are long-standing holdings. I didn’t manage to attend either physically because I had an appointment at Guy’s Hospital in the morning. However I did manage to log in to watch most of the TRY meeting including the manager’s presentation by Marcus Phayre-Mudge which was very interesting. I’ll only cover a few points as you ...

TR Property Investment Trust (TRY) AGM Report 2021

My second physical AGM since the start of the pandemic was that of the TR Property Investment Trust (LSE:TRY), currently my #2 shareholding and one which I have held since 2003 (with a brief hiatus between May 2009 and December 2010). Since I re-entered in 2010, it has delivered an annualised total return of almost 20%, taking into account some trading based on discount arbitrage. The AGM was held at the usual venue of the RAC Club in Pall Mall. About 30 ...

TR Property (TRY) AGM Report 2016

TR Property Plc (TRY) held its Annual General Meeting at 2.00 pm yesterday, at the RAC Club in Pall Mall. Last year it was at 11.00 followed by a...

TR Property Trust (TRY) AGM Report 2015

The AGM at the RAC on 21 July was well attended; there is a good lunch. The formal part of the business was over in about 17 minutes after which the Manager, Marcus Phayre-Mudge, made his generally optimistic presentation. The Chairman stopped questions dead on 1 pm even though the lady with the mike was standing at my side ready for me to ask my question. Following my correspondence with her last year (reported in Informer) I asked the Chairman why the ...

TR Property Investment Trust PLC (TRY) AGM 2014.

This investment trust held its 110th Annual General Meeting today (22/7/2014) at the Royal Automobile Club, London. The Trust maintains a portfolio in shares of property companies of all sizes on an international basis and also in direct investment property, located within the UK (mostly London and the Southeast). The results this year were as follows, revenue up 20%, NAV up 18.4% (the share price discount to NAV is now only in the region of 3%, down from 20% a few years ...

TR Property Investment Trust (TRY) PLC AGM 2013

This investment trust held its 109th Annual General Meeting today at the Royal Automobile Club, London. The Trust maintains a portfolio in shares of property companies of all sizes on an international basis and also in investment property located within the UK (mostly London and the Southeast). Results look better this year when compared to last year, with revenue up 6%, NAV up 17.2% and an increase in the dividend to 7.00p (up 6.1%), with the dividend covered 100% by earnings. We started ...

TR Property Investment Trust (TRY) General Meeting Report 2012

I attended the three General Meetings of TR Property Investment Trust today – to approve the merger of the Ordinary and Sigma funds. This required three separate meetings – one for all shareholders and two for the separate class members, but only one resolution in each. There were 6 shareholders present, other than the directors, which is more than I expected to see. The Chairman, Peter Salsbury, opened the meeting by summarising the arguments in favour of the proposals. I won’t repeat ...

TR Property Investment Trust PLC (TRY) AGM Report 2012

This investment trust held its 108th Annual General Meeting on the 24th July at the Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, London. A pretty poor year for the company as although Revenue was up by 6% to £26.4 million, NAV was down 11% with a corresponding drop in the share price of 9.5% to 154.50p. The Trust maintains a portfolio in shares of property companies of all sizes on an international basis and also in investment property located within the UK. The meeting ...

TR Property Investment Trust (TRY) AGM Report 2011

On the 26th of July I attended the Annual General Meeting of TR Property Investment Trust Plc - 12.00 am at the RAC in Pall Mall, London. There were about 100 shareholders present so the room was effectively full. There was an initial short speech by the Chairman, Peter Salsbury. He praised the work of the former fund manager, Chris Turner who was officially retiring on the day of the AGM. Under Mr Turner, the trust has consistently outperformed its benchmark (over ...


TR Property Investment Trust (TRY) Investor Webinar, 9 Jun 2020

Presentation by Marcus Phayre-Mudge, Fund Manager TRY: Discount to NAV 12%. Pays a 4% dividend. Property IT (in more resilient sectors). Directors were buying in late March. 5 star rating on Morningstar. The webinar takes place on Tuesday June 9th at 5pm Go here for further details and to register